jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009


The so-called 3Rs Act, a proposal that popularized the environmental Informacion sobre 3R La ley de las tres erres (Reducir, Reciclar y Reutilizar)organization Greenpeace, calls for a reduction, reuse and recycling of the products we consume.


We must strive to reduce the volume of products we consume.
Many times we acquire things that are not needed just for the sake of buying. We do not think are needed to manufacture raw materials that we can not splurge like oil or water.
- The use of disposable products like paper towels or tissues.
- The use of aluminum foil, instead you can use Tupperware.
- The use of plastic bags for shopping, retrieves a taste for the baskets.
- Consumption of energy, use public transport, turn off the lights when not needed ...
- Drinking water, shower instead of bathe, sees that the taps do not lose ...


This is to reuse the maximum number of objects in order to produce less waste and spending the least amount of resources to manufacture new ones.
- Paper: sheets written on one side only can be used for notes or draw: the wrapping paper can be used a second time ...
- Toys: Those who do not use your children and not the tires, make them reach for charities that delivered to other children who need them.
- The glass: Try to buy liquids in returnable glass bottles.

Is to manufacture new products using materials obtained from old ones. If unable to reduce consumption and reuse try something that is at least recyclable.
- Paper: At home between the newspapers and magazines, cardboard boxes ... and put it in containers for recycling.
- Glass: Do the same as with the paper with any glass container. Child or baby food jars of jam are also recyclable.
- Plastic packaging, cans and packaging type brick: Bricks of milk, soda cans, water bottles ... also can be recycled depositing them in containers for this purpose.

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